Actress Penelope Cruz is reportedly pregnant, despite the continuing her filming “Pirates of the Caribbean: At strange tides. Announced that Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem her husband that she is ready to become parents.
Cruz notes saying, “When I have [children], I want to do it well. I want them to be the best project in my life. I think that in the family, love and children.”
Although it seems as if all this is true, which it seems, may be working on cruise her last film for some time.
Penelope Cruz, who at the age of 36 years of age, recently married to a Spanish actor Javier Bardem in July of this year. The wedding took place in the Bahamas. Bardem, Cruz and each won Academy Awards in the past.
Release date for the film ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: At tidal strange’ was set to 20 May 2011. And will be playing the part of Angelica Cruz in the new movie. Or not representative of the sports block on her stomach in a new movie is not known.
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