Latest news from the West and Wild Wild: If you thought the fake accents and Romanian in the previous episode, as well as Boris and Natasha, and I have not seen anything yet. “Night of the Tatars” features only the Americans played the Russians. They are not plotting doom Moss and the Chipmunks, but Jim and Artie.
Is set to accompany our heroes to accompany a family member from afar Caesar, who was arrested for running extortion ring against Russian immigrants in San Francisco, to Siberia in exchange for the American consul was arrested falsely. He and Artie C. escaped in an attempt to capture the hidden money and run, but the fatal injury I try. They decided to go to Siberia in any case, with Artie posing as extortionist record enough to make the exchange of prisoners. And y work, because Artie speaks Russian fluently.
Of course it does.
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