Obama’s claim that America can not ominous “absorb” a terrorist attack will have a fear that many of the event’s inception a kind of false flag will be the only way the government can cancel the enormous resistance to big government that has grown steadily since Obama took office.
During an interview with journalist Bob Woodward, the president said: “We can suck a terrorist attack. We will do everything in our power to prevent it, but until 11/09, and even the biggest attack ever… Absorbed, and we are more stronger.”
However, the only thing that made stronger than 09/11, and the authority of the federal government harassment, shake down and spy on American people, as evidenced after recentlywhen again the Office of the Pennsylvania internal security and control monitoring should be conducted on groups of peaceful protest with the aid of the company, Israeli security received the second amendment and other groups as terrorists.
Given the extent to which both Bush and Clinton before the exploitation of the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil to promote their political agenda faltering, we should be wary of Obama and his masters use good of their own “October surprise” to deal with record numbers of low approval of Congress on the eve of the midterm elections.
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