Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tour Championship 2010

Tour Championship 2010
A tour of the 2010 tournament leaderboard and new television via ESPN the table – and much anticipated and awaited a very round championship will go from September 23 to 26 living in the Middle Club Golf Lake in Atlanta, Georgia.
This is a championship, as happened in the past for Golf PGA Championship in 2010. And, therefore, be the last chance for the professional golfer to qualify for this long-awaited event for this month.
And to give you an overview of what is happening now upclosed Club East Lake Golf:
T1: Tim Clark tied with Hunter Mahan, Jim Furyk and collect a total of -1 degree
T4 Watney Nick, KJ Choi, Ben Crane, Ryan Palmer, Justin Rose and Geoff Ogilvy.
You are a golfer favorite is aimed here to win the tournament as well as cash prize. In fact, Phil Mickelson will try to overcome the Tiger Woods golf player in the upper world.
At the same time, all golfers have a shot at the $ 1.35 million to win the tournament. Tiger Woods will not be teeing off with him in the championship round. Tiger Woods will likely need the top – 5 finish in the BMW Championship for 30 at the top of the list of FedEx Cup points to qualify for the Tour Championship.


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